Earlier this week, I explained how our bred heifers were on pasture but we moved them home so that we can more closely monitor them. Our cowherd is currently grazing above our home ranch on our top hayfields.
One of the biggest factors to watch for when the cows are grazing late into the fall is that they maintain or even increase their condition as it is very difficult and very costly to make up any lose of condition over the winter when feeding hay. Depending on the condition of the grass, some years we will purchase protein tubs to help supplement the grass. The protein tubs that we use are a tub full of minerals, vitamins and extra protein that the cows can lick.
This year we were very fortunate to receive a significant amount of rain in the summer and fall. Therefore, our hayfields have quite a bit of rich regrowth so we haven’t had to feed protein tubs yet. We continue to closely monitor the cows and the quality and quantity of grass.
Below is a photo of one of our haystacks ready for winter feeding. It is always such a nice feeling for a rancher when their haystacks are full, ready for the winter. The cows also know that when the snow arrives, this is the stack to wait by! Cows are creatures of routine!
I will leave you with this view…. have a great weekend!