Math can be a lot of fun and Elephant Learning Math Academy has been an excellent addition to our homeschool math curriculum. My boys have thoroughly enjoyed reviewing a 12 month subscription to Elephant Learning Math Academy. This online math program is for ages 2-16 as it covers math topics form counting to algebra.

How We Used Elephant Learning Math Academy
We started by setting up an account with Elephant Learning Math Academy and then I set up the account for my six year old and four year old by inputting their name and age. My six year old automatically started by working on “training games” which is actually a placement exam. This is because by default, any children older than 5 years old, must do a placement exam to begin. The placement exam is to determine their starting curriculum. It is intended to start below their current level to catch up to their level. The program assigns subjects that are behind where the child should be, and then test them out of those subjects until it finds their level.
Your child starts each day by picking a character and each character plays all the same games. The boys really enjoyed being able to have choice in their character each day to add variety to the program.

Elephant Learning Math Academy recommends that your child work on the program for 3 sessions of 10 minutes per week. By doing this, your child can improve by one math grade within 3 months. We usually worked on it 3 times per week, but sometimes my boys did ask to do it one or two times more as they really enjoyed the short sessions.
Online Math Program
We started by using it on the desktop computer but then we later starting using the app more. I liked how we were able to use the app when we were travelling in the truck so they could do school on the go. My six year old was easily able to work independently on the program and I would just check in on him. At times I would help my four year old as he would sometimes struggle with recognizing the correct number. When the question was too difficult, the program will allow your child to press skip.

Easy to Understand Reports
I absolutely love the reporting system that is used. The algorithms detect your child’s level and the reports will then easily let you know what they are working on. Elephant Age is the primary metric that helps you, the parent, see how your child is progressing. I found it very easy to login and check to Elephant Age graph to a see how well the boys were each doing by looking at this metric. The Elephant Age updates each time your child completes a milestone.

Under the Elephant Age graph, the program shows you all the subjects that your child is currently working on and the percentage completed. When you click on these milestones, it opens up to provide you even further detail. The reports will also show you what your child is struggling on so that you can supplement their learning, if needed.

As a parent, you can also view the entire history of your child’s progress. The list includes the question, the milestone, how long your child worked on it and if they passed/failed or skipped the question. If you are interested in seeing the question, you can even practise each one as a parent without affecting your child’s progress. Elephant Learning Math Academy also provides you with additional worksheets to help supplement your childs learning.
Our Recommendation
Elephant Learning Math Academy makes learning math fun and easy. As a parent, we can easily view how our child is progressing and your child will enjoy practising their math skills. Taking it on the go with the Elephant Learning Math Academy was a great added bonus to our homeschool. We highly recommend this incredible online math program and we plan to continue to use it to supplement our homeschool math curriculum.
Be sure to click here to read more review about this curriculum from other Homeschool Review Crew team members.
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