Happy New Year! I can’t believe 2019 is here. I hope you had a wonderful first week of 2019. We have been enjoying the sunshine and spending the days snowshoeing, skating and skiing! There is nothing better than exercise and fresh air when trying to get back into routine after the holidays. I have spent the past week reflecting on 2018 and setting some goals for the new year. When making my goals, I always think SMART goals. So let’s chat about setting some SMART goals to help make your 2019 a success!
Setting SMART Goals
SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. If you keep this in mind when setting your goals, it will help to keep you on track.
My first task is to break my goals up into 4 categories: personal, homeschool, the ranch and my blog/Epicure business. Try to consider the various areas of your life that you would like to focus on.
Next, when choosing my goals, I want to make sure that they are measurable and attainable. I am careful to purge any that seem a bit too much for where I am at this stage of raising a family or are not relevant enough. The goals that I purge are put on a separate list as a reminder in case I want to focus on one of them in the future.
I divide the year into quarters. This helps to motivate me and gives me momentum to keep working towards reaching my goals. Without dividing the year into quarters, I have found that I sometimes loose my direction part way through year.
By setting a time limit, it helps to encourage you to reach your goal within a certain time frame. Sometimes you may need to break the goals down into steps and put timelines on each of the steps.

An Overview of My 2019 Goals
Here is a look at the goals that I am setting for myself this year. These goals have been broken down into smaller parts on my calendar and planned accordingly.
Personal Goals
I am terrible at drinking water so my first goal is to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. I also want to journal everyday to keep track of our personal, ranch and homeschool accomplishments and continue with my weekly meal planning system. Staying on budget with our personal finances is key as we have a long-term goal that we are working towards. We have also planned a garden expansion so that we can be more self-sufficient.
Homeschool Goals
For homeschool, I plan to focus on more hands-on fun in our homeschool. I also want to get the boys outside doing a strenuous activity for at least one hour per day. Let’s face it, I have three busy farm boys. Once they have been outside, school is much easier to focus on.
Ranch Goals
We are going to continue to expand our local beef and lamb marketing for the ranch while cross-fencing a few pastures to improve our grazing management system.
My Business Goals
2019 is going to be an exciting year for my business as Epicure is expanding into the U.S.A! I can’t wait for the opportunities that will coming for this expansion. Building a business from home while homeschooling is a blessing! I predict some huge potential if you are keen and motivated to start your own business. I would love to work with you.
The Most Important Goal of 2019
The most important goal for myself is to take time each day to sit back and watch the boys interact together. By watching my boys, I have learned an incredible amount about each of them. Their struggles, their unique attributes and how they learn. I really want to take more time to step back, watch and learn.
How I Document These Goals
I have broken each of these goals up into smaller tasks. Next, I planed the tasks and noted each of them in my calendar to help keep me on track. By looking at each goal on a monthly basis, I stay more focused and less overwhelmed.

Goals for My Boys
This year I am starting something a little different. I am going to talk about goal setting with my boys by using this printable. We will reflect on the past year and set a few goals for each of them. Grab your free copy of this printable below.
Goal Setting is Inspiring
Setting SMART goals at the beginning of each year is so inspiring and encouraging. Seeing the results of these SMART goals is even more motivating. Every year can be looked at as a new beginning. How are you going to live your life in 2019? Come on over to my free Facebook group and dive into a deeper discussion about goal setting and share your thoughts.