Yesterday’s schedule was to work on our homeschooling, tidy around the house and enjoy the approaching fall weather. You never know what might come up on the ranch, so keeping our schedule open is important!
The one question that I have been asked a lot is how do you homeschool around a busy ranch life. We all have busy lives, even those who don’t live on ranch. Being flexible while also making sure to keep a routine in your life is important when you homeschool. I find that routine does make homeschooling a lot easier but yes, you can adjust your schedule and plans as necessary while being sure to refer to your plans daily. Homeschooling doesn’t have to take all day. For example, if something comes up in the morning when you usually do school, try finding a few hours in your afternoon instead.
Morning Time
We started the morning with playtime while I made breakfast and tidied the house. We then pulled out the painting supplies to learn about primary colours. My youngest wanted to try too!
What I love about homeschooling on the ranch is the flexibility so we took a break from school and went outside to help my parents put up new rails. The boys loved the opportunity to work together.
Every fall we always try to take a week or two to replace old rails and since we replaced some posts in the corrals this summer, we needed to get the pens back up before our busy fall season. The boys had a blast helping!
During lunch, I checked my message, did a couple phone calls for the ranch and organized the afternoon school tasks.
After lunch, my oldest son and I worked on Lesson 3 in Math U See Primer, learned more about letter M, started the first lesson on the Kindergarten Home Art Studio DVD and had Poetry Tea Time. I highly recommend Home Art Studio! My son had so much fun watching and working along with the DVD lesson! He was eager to keep going when we had to wait for the paint to dry!
We then played with some lego and did the necessary and dreaded job of cleaning the playroom!
Supper and then bedtime routine. Once the boys were asleep, I was able to work on scheduling some posts, doing some cattle books and finances for the ranch, downloaded and edited the photos from the day and tidied before heading to bed!
You never know what a day might bring on the ranch while homeschooling! Flexibility is key!

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