Do you wish you had unit studies that are in a digital format with lots of videos for online learning? Or are you looking for a science curriculum with lots of variety in topics. Maybe you have a child that loves science but isn’t as excited about math? Why not combine the two so that they can see the fun in studying math. NatureGlo’s eScience does just this in it’s NatureGlo’s eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle.

Online Math and Science Course
We have been thoroughly enjoying reviewing NatureGlo’s eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle from NatureGlo’s eScience. This 25 course bundle includes courses from NatureGlo’s eScience MathArt and natural sciences classes. There is a wide variety in topics within the courses from Exploring The Giant Redwood Trees, an introduction into rockhounding, a study about the Komodo dragon, an introduction to MathArt, marine biology courses, and a study about Leonardo da Vinci just to name a few.

The courses are geared for children ages 12 and up. You can choose how to use these studies. They can be used as unit studies or to supplement your current curriculum. As you go through each course, you will check off what you have completed and be given a digital award. You can have one account for your family or you can set up individual accounts for each child, depending on how you are going to proceed through the course.
Each course includes a slideshow and a study guide. The study guide includes a summary of the lesson, a series of questions to answer with an answer key and a quiz. Some lessons also include other activities, such as extension videos, writing projects, colouring sheets, and drawings.
How We Used the NatureGlo’s eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle
We first worked through the Exploring The Giant Redwood Trees lesson. We enjoyed learning about the Giant Redwood Tree and how they are the largest and tallest trees worldwide. My boys found it very interesting that fog is the type of condensation that supplies the Coast redwood trees’ with much of its water needs.

Next, we enjoyed learning about the wildcat, gray wolf and North Pacific right whale in the Mammals – Wildcat, Gray Wolf, and Right Whale course. In this course, there is a wide variety of lesson activities such as writing a story about a gray wolf or about a Right whale, drawing a wolf or right whale, reading some material and then answering some questions or watching some videos and answering some questions. We choose a few activities to do together as a family.

Next, we thoroughly enjoyed learning about patterns and shapes in nature in MathArt – Introduction to Patterns and Shapes in Nature. This course helped us look differently at nature to see the symmetry, curves, branching, circular patterns and spheres. We then did a backyard patterns in nature treasure hunt looking for circular patterns and another one with 5 different patterns to look for.

I tailored each of the above courses to my boys since they are younger than 12. We geared their writing projects to their ability and they really enjoyed watching the videos. We also talked about the questions in the study guide together, rather than having them complete the worksheets themselves.
Our Recommendation of NatureGlo’s eScience
NatureGlo’s eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle from NatureGlo’s eScienceis a very thorough and educational course bundle. We like the variety of course topics and the ability to easily incorporate the courses into our current curriculum.
Be sure to read the reviews of this great curriculum from other Homeschool Review Crew members.

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