I get asked frequently about how we make homeschooling work on a ranch so I want to give you a glimpse into our “typical” homeschool routine. Of course on a ranch, it seems like no day is typical. However, I try to keep a similar rhythm to each day so that the boys know what to expect as best as possible. By keeping a rhythm and having good communication, the chaos is kept to a minimum. Here are my five steps to keeping a daily rhythm.
Step 1 – Breakfast Rhythm
We wake up usually between 6-7am, sometimes earlier, but I aim for sometime after 6! I help the boys get dressed and make the beds. I try to put out their clothes the night before, but that is the best-case scenario. During breakfast, we will talk about what the plans are for the day, what tasks I need to work on and I ask them if there is anything that they need to do or would like to do. This is a great way for them to feel included in our daily routine and also gives me ideas for our afternoon. I tidy up, take out anything required for supper and we then go outside to do our morning chores. This usually takes us until about 9am, ideally.

Step 2 – Homeschool Routine
From 9 to 12, we work on our school. We start with a morning basket. Our morning basket is a collection of books that we loop through for reading time and then proceed through math, language arts and science and social studies. Sometimes the order of these change, depending on what activities we will be doing. I like to alternate on the type of work that we are doing so it keeps the boys intrigued through the morning. These subjects will take us until about lunch, which is usually a quick meal solution from Epicure!

Step 3 – A Fun Afternoon Rhythm
Our afternoons vary as it is time for our afternoon basket, fun activities, ranch chores or appointments. I try to book all of our appointments for the afternoon so that we can focus on school in the morning.
Our afternoon basket is always exciting as we rotate through some great activities. The boys look forward to the variety each week. It is full of full activities, such as art, poetry, music, physical education and a Home School in the Woods lapbook.
What I love most about this schedule is that is allows us a chance to get some fresh air and exercise in the morning prior to starting school and we look forward to fun in the afternoon.

Step 4 – Planning for Meal Times
For suppers, I plan each week in advance and I take out the meat that I need for supper in the morning. I look ahead at our schedule and then plan accordingly. Fast, healthy and clean eating meals are a staple in our house, thanks to Epicure. Epicure makes it so easy for me to feel confident in what I am feeding my boys along with using our own beef and vegetables as much as possible. I can quickly plan our meals for the week and know that meal time prep will be simple and quick. Send me a Facebook message to chat about the simple and quick meal solutions that I use in our home.
Step 5 – Reading at Bedtime
We have some wind down time before bedtime and then read at least one book at bedtime. Boys are hopefully in bed between 7-8pm so that I have a few hours of time to work and catch up on paperwork.
Daily Rhythm is Key
Life on the ranch is very unpredictable, so we don’t always follow this schedule. It works well most days; however, we sometimes have to switch it up and do a ranch task in the morning. I try to keep the rhythm as steady and consistent as possible. By keeping a steady rhythm, we are all happier!