Spring is finally starting to arrive! Today was the first day that we started to see some puddles in the barnyard which means I get to wash snowsuits every night! Children definitely love to jump (and fall) in puddles! On the ranch, the change of seasons, and more specifically, the daily weather has a significant role in our daily tasks and our daily school lessons.
Changing of the Seasons on the Ranch
Spring is on the ranch is always such a fun and exciting time of year. The calves start to arrive in the beginning of March so we are outside for most of each day as spring approaches! The one task that I always loved as a child, and now my children get to enjoy, is picking out their show calves for the summer shows! They don’t miss an opportunity to put the halter on them to practise!
Learning on the Go
Learning can happen anywhere and everywhere so during the spring, so our school moves outside a lot! We watch the changes that happen with snow melting, birds arriving back from their winter migration, and the bald eagles arriving to watch over us while they clean up our calving grounds. When we see a bald eagle on our walk to the barn, we will take a few minutes to study the magnificent bird and talk about its characteristics.
We get to watch science take place before our eyes and then spend our lunchtime and evenings reading and learning more about what we saw during the day. It an incredible feeling to be able to watch my children learn about the change of the seasons through first hand experience!
Fun Quiet Time Activities
For quiet time activities in the evening, we love doing fun worksheets, colouring, doing Lego and reading books.
My Challenge for You
I challenge you to take some time to sit and watch with your children the signs of spring arriving! It provides the perfect opportunity for them to learn and understand how nature impacts our lives! I would love to hear what your children discover!

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