There has been a lot going on in the world the past few weeks. Many of us are probably feeling nervous, worried and unsure of the future. This is my reminder to you to take time to enjoy the slow down of life, it is temporary and providing all of us with time to reflect.

If you are working from home with kids, time management is of upmost importance. Try to schedule your day so that you can get some quality time working while taking some time with your children. Family games, books and if your living situation allows it, time outdoors in nature are great ways to keep your children learning. iPads and educational TV shows are also great learning tools. We had fun this week working on letter crafts, Easter cards and our daily school lessons.

Staying home on the ranch doesn’t change our daily routine too much. Our calving is winding down but we still have calves to check each day to make sure they are staying healthy. Three boys, a stroller and a bike. Luckily, the bike has “4×4” for the mud and the cows are familiar with the everyday occurrence of three boys running through their calves checking to make sure they are all healthy.

This along with the daily chores of feeding hay and grain take up most of the morning. We will be starting the field work and fencing soon.

I can see you! The boys always have fun checking out potential show calves for next year.

A sight that we see often. This calf is having his breakfast while we walk through the herd.

Happy Easter!