Christmas preparations are under way in our home; therefore, we only try to do essential ranch activities for the couple weeks leading up to Christmas. For our homeschool, we also take a bit of a break on the more formal curriculum and fill our days with crafts, baking and other fun Christmas activities.
That being said, I can’t stay inside all day, every day, doing Christmas prep without all of us going crazy! On December 10th, the boys were playing while I was cleaning house and making breakfast when my dad came in to see if the boys wanted to go and cut ice. I took one look outside and decided that I could not miss out on the opportunity to be out in the bright sunshine!
We drove up to check the cows and cut the ice.
What a perfect opportunity to add a little school into our day and talk about the qualities of ice and what we saw in the water.
The sun was shining so we took a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine and the gorgeous view.
I can never get enough of this location, it is definitely one of my favourites!
We then went a little further up and checked the ice on the lake ready for making a skating rink. We discussed why it is important to check the thickness of the ice prior to going skating and how we are going to do that.
We also looked at the old homestead that is next to the lake and discussed a little about the people who once lived there and what their life may have been like.
Time to go back home and do some Christmas baking. The boys and I had so much fun making gingersnap cookies, this recipe is amazing! It’s quick and easy and definitely the best recipe for gingersnaps that I have ever tried!
We worked on some Lego together as my oldest son recently received this new kit! There are three different cabin models that you can make for hours of fun.
Supper and bedtime for the boys and then I stayed up to work on some blog posts, Christmas wrapping and planning for the next day. Don’t forgot the Elf on the Shelf! I put our elf, Red, in his new location and then went to bed. I love the flexibility we can have when homeschooling – learning on the go at times!

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